I feel like COVID was a great chance for everyone to start exploring around the UK when travel into Europe wasn’t possible. Did you discover any cool places you didn’t know about before? Or do you have a go to that’s off the beaten path that our recommend to people? I’d love to hear from anyone!

  1. Went to North Somerset for a week during covid. Had been before but not for years. It doesn’t get the same attention as Cornwall or Devon, but it’s a really nice part of the country in its own right.

  2. People think bothies only really exist in Scotland.

    That’s not quite true. Apart from the handful or publicly advertised bothies in Wales/The Lake District; there are lots of bothies in pretty much every national park. There’s a general rule though – you have to find them yourself. I went to the Peak District the other weekend and didn’t even take a tent as I knew the bothies I would stay in (did take a bivvy bag just in case).

    This is also why I won’t say where they are though. Ho fir a walk, leave the beaten track a bit, and find some 🙂

  3. Everyone in Suffolk (and a lot of people from beyond) knows how lovely Lavenham is. But there are actually a number of old wool towns & villages that have lots of beautiful old buildings, without all the tourists. Hadleigh is a lovely small town for that reason, and the even less well-known village of Nayland is a real hidden gem that I always enjoy visiting.

  4. Geochache with my kids. Someone local to an area will have a better walk planned than I could map and they’ve planted hidden gems to break up the walk.

  5. Dartmouth – don’t use the passenger ferry. The windows are crap. Use the car ferry as a walk on passenger, its pretty unique and the views stunning for such a short trip. Highlight of Dartmouth. Just don’t piss about and stay where you are supposed to.

  6. I dont know how much of a “hidden” gem it is, but I really like Bamburgh and Longstone Lighthouse.

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