What are the chances of a good looking guy dating hot women, if he’s also low income and is socially awkward?

  1. Low.

    Socially awkward how?

    Socially awkward makes it tough. You have to put yourself out there to meet said hot woman. If you’re confident enough in yourself to do that, your chances improve a lot. There are a lot of women that like geeky quirky guys.

  2. Depends on how good-looking mainly, but if he’s too socially awkward to ever leave his house or deviate from his usual work-school-gym-grocery store venues, his chances are probably slim to none.

  3. Honestly, probably depends on your friends. What kinds of girls do they have success with? If you’re socially awkward, they’re gonna be the ones getting you past the gate and the girls will express interest.

  4. I’d say manage your expectations. It’s not unheard of but you also have to ask what you bring to the table. Do “hot” women desire what you bring to that table.

  5. I wish I can refer you to this video I saw on YouTube where this guy puts two people behind a glass and the women decides who she wants the first guy is tall very attractive makes 30k the second guy attractive but short but makes 300k who do you think she chose?

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