I am seeing a man (40) who I absolutely adore and love to death. We do very very well together, despite everyone’s opinion of our age gap of 13 years as I am (26). Our sex life is hands down the best sex I’ve ever had in my life, there’s just one problem.. he has a hard time staying.. well, HARD! He will randomly be hard here and there, but then it’ll go away. Sometimes he struggles so badly to cum that I think it’s stresses him out. And by no means do I want out sex life to become a chore to him!

What are some ways I can approach him about possibly getting viagra? Or even other ways that really help get things flowing. I want to please him back!

  1. Is he overweight, does he exercise, does he watch porn? There are so many things it could be. Also he could use pills for it, I do occasionally. Best thing is to get in shape and stop watching porn.

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