If you were given $1,000 every day, what would you spend it on? (You can’t save money.)

  1. Pay $1,000 a day towards my student loans, then once those are gone, buy myself a new car, probably a hybrid. Then see what my parents need, and we go from there

  2. After I’m done buying dumb shit maybe start putting the money towards the homeless community

    The idea of a thousand a day seems really excessive.

  3. Wipe out all my debts, from the remaining amount, invest for the long term for a rainy day. A small percentage would go into buying small meaningful gifts for the people who matter in my life

  4. $1,000 a day is $365,000 per year.

    $10,000 per day is $3.65 million per year.

    $100,000 per day is $36 million a year.

    If you made $36 million a year, you’d have $1 billion in 28 years.

    The richest man in the world is worth $241 billion. Or what you’d have if you made $100,000 per day for 6,748 years.

  5. Would investing count as spending or what if i give it all to a friend, then the next day we just split it.

  6. Hire a cook and personal trainer to make sure I’m eating healthy and getting into shape. Maybe also hire someone to come over every day to clean, do laundry, and do all the grocery shopping to maximize my own free time.

    Probably also resubscribe to Netflix now that I can afford their price increases.

  7. Daily credit card payments. Then daily mortgage payments. Once all debts are paid, then daily cocaine, clearly.

  8. I would invest 900 dollars into something, then i would buy weed for 50 dollars, good ass food for 40 and the last 10 dollars i would spend on lottery tickets

  9. Let’s see… If I were to invest $1000 a day at a modest 5% return YoY, in 10 years, I would be at ~$4.7m.

    Once I am there, I’d start withdrawing at 4% per year, so that gives me about $190k a year to spend. All this while, I am going to assume that I still keep getting the $1000 a day, so that keeps getting invested along with the remaining interest from my initial capital also keeps getting reinvested. So, the $190k is only going to go up.

    With that money, I start buying land and planting forests. As the disposable amount of money I have grows, I can then split that between planting forests and building skyscrapers in cities with vertical farms/gardens like they have in Singapore.

    I think by this time I’ll be in my 60s, so I need to realistically prepare for a life when my cognition will not be as strong, so I will need to put together a team that can manage the money when I am gone. They should ideally look at the following projects – ocean cleaning, funding research that finds enzymes that break down plastic, UBI. If that can be accomplished, I think I’ll be happy in my grave. But even if reforestation efforts in my lifetime let one extra bird to live and have children, maybe I won’t be so disappointed with myself.

    Edit: As I did the math in my head, I realised that Elon Musk/Jeff Bezos/Adani could realistically solve most of the world problems.

  10. I’d make sure all my bills are paid, and cabinets full of food. Then I’d do the same for my family and close friends. Then I’d probably splurge a bit and buy stuff like games, new shoes, etc.

    And whatever I’d have left over for that day, I’d just give to my local food bank, public library, shelters, etc.

    Spread the wealth.

  11. All spend would be on credit cards that I pay back daily with $1000, pay bills ahead of time, pay down debt, buy stocks with the rest

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