So like the title says I (24f) was bullied severely in elementary and high school as I grew up it stopped but two days ago while at a friends house two girls (23fs) looked me up and down and said something in their language and then laughed while looking at me it’s made me feel so so bad again I feel like a 10 year old again just crying and scared. My boyfriend (29m) thinks I’m overreacting but I’m so upset over it.

  1. Whether they said something related or not, they achieved what they set out to do which was to make you feel insecure and they secure. Who gives a shit what they think. With behavior like that, they don’t deserve any attention. Fuck them. Be yourself.

  2. This reminds me of a really bad days i think… Okay i living in a country i think the bulling is a lifestyle in here … The ugly truth is all of us in social media and even in IRL says the bulling is a bad thing and should stop it and be nice and some sh** talk that will never happen… So we hear this talk and we get postive energy from it and … The same thing happen over and over… No changes … Alot of people told me that you should ignore this talk but we can’t… Just a word can make is set in bed and won’t to get up again… So listen to this postive talk will make no changes… Nothing at all… You know You can’t fight all the people who bulling at you … The solution that i used that i fixed the things that making the People making fun of me… I’ll give you an example:

    I was too skinny and that was a really nightmare for me … Instead of saying i will accept my self like that and will not letting anyone make fun of me… I just got fu*** up when i was in groups … That really was the worst time of my life … So you can’t have a something you can fix and then say why the people bulling me … If you have something you can fix go ahead and do it because people IRL don’t know anything about people feelings and have no mercy.

    But what if i have a problem that i can’t fix ?

    Okay the answer is simple i think … If you have 3 problem that you can’t fix about yourself… You can just cover it by gaining new 3 things postive about yourself…

    I know this comment is hard a little bit but it’s just the reality and what’s happening IRL … I just wanna tell you that me too still facing this everyday but these methods i mentioned really helped me move on from this pure evil people out there 🤣

  3. I’m so sorry this happened. Know the feeling, you’re not overreacting!
    Thing that helped me when I was bullied was the knowledge that only sad, insecure people put others down to feel less small themselves. Don’t give them the satisfaction! Fuckem

  4. You’re not overreacting! That is definitely some mean girl stuff! Cut them out if they are no longer good for your mental health! I’m going through something similar with my long time friends and it’s heart breaking but the friendship no longer serves me and feels like it’s causing more negativity than positivity in my life

  5. Until your stop looking towards others for validation and approval, you’ll be at the whim of their judgements. That’s really not a good way to live

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