What has helped you believe people when they say nice things about you? Or trust people when they do nice things for you?

  1. Other people’s consistency. My partner and family are dependable and consistent in the way that they treat me and others. So are my coworkers.

    I’m so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by good people, and their behavior has always shown that they’re good. So when they say good things about me I believe them because I respect their opinions.

  2. Unless you’re certain it’s sarcasm, just do *yourself* a favor and believe it. Who cares? You’re doing yourself damage (very slight but cumulative) always being on the defensive and disbelieving.

  3. It took me awhile, but convincing myself that they would not say/do it if they did not mean it, help me a lot.

    And if they do not mean it, I simply learned not to care.

  4. Why take the negative viewpoint? Self love to me means happily accepting good things/ comments that come my way.

  5. I think as women we are more used to taking sarcasm, criticism, etc. So for me, for a very long time, it was tough to take a compliment. I eventually learned to accept them, though I’ve had my awkward moments. I think one of the things that helps a person believe something is nice about them is when they have a certain amount of self-love and value themselves enough to believe it.

    I’m usually a little suspicious when people do nice things, but here’s the thing: Consistency and genuine efforts show over time and help in trusting the other person.

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