Hi all, I really need some advice. Me and my fiance(w) have been together for nearly 11 years and have 3 children 11, 8 and 4. A brief backstory, when we met she had slight depression, no friends, work etc I was the one person she could turn too and I helped in anyway I could, I always made sure bills were paid, food shopping and washing was done and cooked and did everything for my kids. At this time I was in work full time and she was staying at home, I didn’t mind doing everything as I thought it would take the weight off of her shoulders. Fast forward to lockdown and I lost job, my fiance’s friend owns a coffee shop and she began working there part time but her depression had gotten so bad that she is now on 20mg citralopram everyday for the past 2 years and now shows no empathy, love or affection. So on Sunday(just gone) she came home from work and I had her bath run as always, once she got out the bath I gave her a massage and she was very grateful and said she felt so relaxed, we then sat and watched a film then went to bed. I then get up in the morning and she was being really off with me and I asked if she still loved me and she said ‘yeh’ but then proceeded to make me move out saying it’s too awkward, she then made me tell my daughter on my own(we were/are very close, almost joined at the hip). It has torn the family apart. I am now at my dad’s house and feel so sad (especially being here as my mum passed last year). Now that she has new friends from work it’s like it doesn’t bother her as she has a support network now. I miss everyone so much, there was no big arguement, just what I can imagine was awkwardness as convos wasn’t that good( I believe it’s to do with the antidepressants) as I’d get very short answers. I am a broken man now 15 miles away from my kids and fiance and miss them so much yet it’s only been a day. I can’t figure out what happened, if I’d cheated or been abusive I could understand but I did absolutely everything and now I’m alone and my world is crashing down. We was even on a family holiday 4 weeks ago and everything was fine and happy and an in the middle of driving lessons as she wanted me to drive as she really wanted to go everywhere with me, only a few days ago she was saying she can’t wait for me drive so we can go to bootsales etc… What do I do? I have no friends as I was always with my kids and doing house chores. I feel so lost and incomplete, I tried to facetime my kids this morning and had to hang up as all 3 broke down in years when I saw them. Someone please help me

  1. Go back to your home. You donate to leave just because she thinks it is awkward. She can move out if she wants. And if she wants a divorce she can file for it.

  2. Fine for custody of the kids. A lack of emotion like you describe isn’t going to be good for them and you might be able to get custody. At this point, the kids should be your only concern because you really can’t make her change her mind.

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