What was your experience with the “I might not find someone I want to marry, even though I want to be married” thought — if any?

  1. I never wanted to be married because I never planned on being in a relationship. That seemed way too unrealistic to me. I got used to the thought to be forever alone and didn’t stress about that.

  2. Almost getting married to someone I didn’t want to get married to certainly helped me eliminate that panic.

    Its far worse to be legally bound to someone you are halfhearted about/concerned about than to be single and have only your own happiness to worry about.

  3. I had a few realizations as I got older that helped me overcome that. Dating NOW is not at all what it used to be. Today, it is toxic and more dangerous. I decided to stop pursuing it so much because I felt that it was wasted energy. Why put in all the effort to continually be disappointed? Then most recently, I gave it up and let it go. I realized that maybe being married isn’t in the cards for me this time around. Maybe I have another path that is better for me. So I became okay with the thought of never being married at all. Now I’m doing my thing, feelin good, having fun, and just enjoying the “freedom”. Marriage isn’t for everyone, and I truly believe that I avoided a lot of heartbreak by NOT being married.

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