I will also accept inclusion of other activities should you so choose. Swimming. Frolicking in sprinklers. I don’t know. Its a free country. You do you.

  1. Frolicking in the sprinklers is actually the only way I get clean

    Gets a bit cold in the Winters, but its just so refreshing

    Jokes aside lol mostly take showers unless I’ll pulling out the candles and having a spa say

  2. Almost 100% showers. I’m not super tall but my tub just isn’t long enough to be comfortable for 6 foot tall me. I think the last time I had a bath was an epsom salt soak a 2-3 years ago when I had poison ivy on my legs.

  3. Showers the most, bathe every once in a while when I feel like relaxing and being lazy. Though it’s costly, love going to nude sauna’s as they have showers and pools there. Get the best of both and can get a meal or watch a movie while I’m there.

  4. Haven’t had a bath in a long time. I’m just too tall for your standard issue tub. I think I took a bath like 5 years ago in a hotel room that had a big bath with the jets.

    Swimming in lakes, pools, the ocean is once a week in the summer… less so in winter… but I have swam in the ocean in Maine every month of the year.

  5. Showers: at least once daily, but if it’s summer? If you count quick soapless rinses 3 isn’t unusual.

    Baths: every few years my sister in law talks me into a hot tub. Every time, I ask myself “why am I here boiling myself when I could be on dry land frolicking and rejoicing about not being in a hot tub?” Or something like that.

    Other: If it’s thunderstorm season, I get caught in the rain fairly often because I don’t mind getting soaking wet as long as I know I’ve got a dry home to return to. I’m less happy about wondering where the lightning is going to strike, but somehow I never think of that before I’m dripping wet and half blind from the water and the time between thunder and lightning is down under 5 seconds.

  6. As a kid, it was 100% baths because we didn’t have a shower.

    As an adult, it’s 100% showers because I don’t have time for a bath and also the time when the sewer backed up and filled the bathtub with the entire neighborhood’s poop made me never want to take a bath ever again.

    The last time I took a bath was when I visited Japan in the before times and went to a communal spring water bath. And even then, like everyone else, I took a shower before getting into the bath.

  7. I shower just about every day. I think I have taken 2 baths in the last 5 years. Where I live, most houses have at least one tub/shower combo, and a regular bath in the master bedroom. I can never get comfortable in a bath tub.

  8. I don’t think I’ve taken more than 3 baths since I was a child.

    I shower every time I log off of reddit.

  9. I’m admittedly addicted to my parents jacuzzi tub and will take a bath any chance I get while I’m home visiting. Probably incredibly unhealthy, but I’ve soaked in the tub for hours at a time. That being said, I more often take showers to get clean, and only enjoy baths as a way to relax every once in a while. Maybe once every few months

  10. I shower 99% of the time. I shower once a day in the mornings or maybe twice if I’m doing some sort of strenuous activity.

  11. I’ll estimate roughly 50 showers to one bath. I shower most days. Bath with Epson salt if my legs are really feeling it after a hike or bike ride. But I don’t fit so well.

    I do like hopping in rivers when I get the chance. I went camping in far northern California this past weekend and stopped for a dip in the Eel River. Bonus points that no one was around so no suit needed. But I don’t get the chance very often, a few times a summer really. Most summers we try to do at least one bike trip up the American River parkway to Folsom lake east of Sacramento, taking dips along the way.

  12. I only shower if I’m actually dirty or really sweaty. Otherwise I much prefer baths. I’ve always lived in old houses and apartments and they tend to have **big** bathtubs. I’m small (5’2″) so that’s a lot of hot water to relax in.

  13. I have an ancient claw foot bathtub that I’m pretty sure they built the house around like 100 years ago lol. It’s huge. I take way more baths in winter, maybe once a week.

  14. I refuse to wallow in a medieval filth cauldron. This is the 21st century, I shower to wash the day away, not soak in it.

  15. Showers only, unless I’m at a fancy spa/hotel (this has happened exactly once in the last five years).

    I would love to take baths more but don’t have the time or a bathtub suited to it.

  16. I have showered the vast majority of time. I used to use the bath mostly when I was a kid, but as an adult, I have used it on rare occasions where I have truly wanted to relax and/or savor the moment.

  17. I’m 6′ 5″; I haven’t been able to take a bath since I was a little kid. Heck, most showerheads are only as high as my chin.

  18. I take baths like twice a year because I’m 5’10 and am too long for most bathtubs 🙁

  19. Taking a bath isn’t really a comfortable option for me. I’m tall enough that I don’t really fit in the ‘tub’ of the shower unit.

  20. always shower, the faucet in my tub at home doesn’t work, and now I’m at college where the only option is a shower.

    As for how often, I rinse off almost every day in the summer because of the heat and humidity, and then in winter and for washing hair, every other day or so because I get really bad dry skin.

  21. I’m pretty much exclusive to taking showers.

    We’ve got a bathtub I can mostly fit in but I just feel that it’s kind of redundant to take a bath if I have to take a shower afterwards

  22. Showers for actual cleaning/hair washing – usually once a day, sometimes twice a day if we’ve been working out in the garden or getting excessively dirty or sweaty or whatever.

    Baths for relaxation 2-3 times a week.

    Sometimes if my hair doesn’t need washing I’m ok with just a bath and not a shower before bed but even so I usually turn on the handheld for a quick rinse to get rid of any bubbles or bath oils before I get out.

    Probably far more than you wanted to know! LOL

  23. I havnt taken a bath since right after college, when I took one in a spa tub with my then gf.

    And that was in 2008.

  24. Probably about 400 showers to 1 bath (if you don’t count hot tubs/pools/lakes).

    I would take more baths but I’m 6’4 and it seems like tubs are designed for people that are 5’5 (I always seem to have 2 feet of my body sticking out somewhere).

  25. I feel like baths are more of a thing for kids. I’m too tall to fit comfortably in a standard tub, so it’s all showers for me.

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