We had one conversation in which he talked about himself a lot. He didn’t seem interested, but like I mentioned it was our first encounter. I started thinking about him more and every time I saw him, my attraction to him grew more.

The second day we happened to be in the same room during our break but he seemed down, or he seemed to want to be left alone. He still sat near me though. I chalked it up to maybe he was either having a bad day, or I failed to acknowledge him (because I did pass by him earlier, I just felt too shy to say anything.)

Later on in the upcoming days, I started going up to him more and more. I would make small talk, wave at him from across the room, etc. Eventually, I notice that when he saw me, he would disappear. He would make sure I left so he can go back to the position he was. I felt..creepy.

I backed off. Stopped looking over to his station. Stopped looking for him in general. About 2 weeks pass by and I hear a “how are you.” I recognized his voice, but in my head I went “he couldn’t possibly be talking to me. He hates me.”

The next day on my break, he comes and sits next to me. It took a bit to process the fact that he was even acknowledging me. We talked and I couldn’t help but notice his smile. I felt like I was getting red in the face. My ears were burning. After that, I felt like I was on a cloud.

Now, I’m obviously a bit cautious of it all. It really sucks he’s willing to initiate conversation now that I’ve backed off. But I’m also thinking I probably overwhelmed him with my attention to him that he may have felt I was too “easy.” Any time I saw him, I felt like he was this magnet and I naturally gravitated towards him.

I felt horrible when I noticed him physically avoiding me. Now he wants to talk to me? I’m going to keep minding my business I suppose? I really don’t know. What I do know is that I am extremely infatuated.

TL;DR had one interaction with a guy in which I ended up getting feelings for, so I kept going up to him which caused him to start avoiding me. Now that I backed off, he is giving me attention and approaching me and I don’t understand why he is now.

  1. The best way to know for sure is just to ask. Just be open. There’s really no way a stranger on the internet, or even you, can read his mind.

    If you don’t want to be open, there are other ways to figure it out. I understand that it’s hard to be vulnerable. In this case, just keep talking to him and see how the situation develops.

    His behavior can be any one of a million things. Maybe he’s self conscious. Maybe you did give too much attention. Maybe he never really thought about you, and he’s just doing his own thing and you happened to be in the way. Maybe you give off a certain vibe that you didn’t perceive yourself. Either way, it’s hard to tell based on this post alone.

    You do strike me as someone with one-itis. This is the disease where you get fixated on one person, and your happiness starts to revolve around that. You shouldn’t base your happiness on one person. Your happiness should be based on yourself only, and relationships with others might increase it.

  2. Idk man, is he a shy/introverted guy? If so, it is probably normal and you have to take it a bit slower then go in for the kill or… just say outright that you like him and let him have the time to process that lol. I feel like my wife went the first option. Hope that helps somewhat

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