What was the luckiest moment of your life?

  1. When I was a teenager I was using Omegle a lot. I was lonely and just wanted people to talk to. Connected with another teenage girl. Talked for a few hours, exchanged MSN messenger info, stayed in touch. Over a decade later I consider her my best friend and we’re in touch every single day. The site was so active then, it’s pure luck I connected with her and not yet another creep.

  2. Every time I let my gas tank get to near-empty and somehow still make it to work. In this economy? We are running on friendship.

  3. When I was a teenager this one pop machine always gave me two sodas for price of one. Other people would do it and get one soda, I saunter up and boom! Two sodas!

  4. Paediatric cardiologist just happening to be doing rounds on the ward the day I was born.

  5. He finally admitted to lying. Now he is willing to be honest moving forward. Moving forward may he be truthful of his wants and needs.

  6. Not sure if it’s my luckiest but when I was around 6 or 7 I got lost on the way to my aunt’s house whilst walking. Streets were empty, and I was crying wherever the heck I was when an old man in the street told me to come over and asked what was wrong. I told him and he said he knew exactly who my parents were and said he would take me to them. And he really yook me back home.

    No one in my family actually knew who the man really was. He just dropped me off the door and left. As a kid I thought he was an angel lol

  7. The day me and my SO were both single and he asked me out 🖤🖤

  8. I fell off a ladder and really screwed up my head for a few days- I even had very short term memory loss. While scanning my head they found the beginnings of an aneurysm forming which could have killed me. After a long long hospital stay and an operation everything is pretty good now!

  9. My final exams got cancelled during covid. I experienced tears of happiness for the first time that day.

  10. When I first moved out I had real struggles with money for rent and the basics and I had to make some unfortunate deals with my creepy landlord to stay in my place. I was working at a bar at the time and I happened to hear one of my regulars say over the phone that one his models dropped out last minute and he couldn’t get a replacement. I was kind of rude and just told him that I would do it if he thought I was acceptable. It ended up being some lingerie shots and he was able to get me four shoots over the year that helped me with enough money to not have to deal with my landlord and gave me enough for a security deposit for my next place.

  11. Around 7yo I fell out of a tree approximately 50 feet tall. Landed belly down on some springy branches and bounced to my feet. Minor scratches and whiplash. If I’d landed about a foot away I would have landed on a sort of pointy tree stump about 3 feet tall.

  12. I visited my first rock festival when I was 13 to see my favorite band KISS, before they started, I told a random man with beers that I wanted to see them up front and he brought me all the way to the front, wherever he is, I’m so thankful for this guy.

  13. I had a sudden urge to go on a spontaneous date with a guy I met online. I decided this would be the last date I went on before I just gave up for a while. That first date was the first time I felt that kind of connection. We have been married for almost 2 years now.

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