I’m 6’4 and I weight 234 pounds. I’m looking at fucking nice boxer briefs that won’t chafe my thighs. I have rather large thighs and a big butt for a guy.

I have these AND1 briefs that are pretty long, they’re not cotton, cotton rolls up. They’re polyester and spandex. I’m looking for more if anyone can recommend me some

  1. Body Glove makes good ones with that material. I specifically got them for work because they’re comfortable to move around in.

  2. have you tried oakley carbonX? they’re $100 but people love em….

    how about Drifire?

    i can put an amazon link but it’ll probably get removed.

  3. I wear Gap’s “Touch” series, legs are the perfect length and material is very soft. Only drawback is no fly, gotta thread the snake out the bottom.

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