My mum is off on holiday and I’m going to stay with my dad next week. He can barely walk and I’d like to actually take him places.

He doesn’t have a wheelchair because he doesn’t *need* one but he can’t walk for more than 4 minutes and holds everyone up around him. Which he despises.

Any ideas that don’t involve Facebook marketplace? Thanks!

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  2. Where are you going on holiday?

    In many places you’ll be able to rent one.

    If you’re not used to pushing a wheelchair I’d recommend hiring an electric mobility scooter. I’m reasonably in shape but if your dad is let’s say, heavy, I can assure you it takes some getting used to.

    Edit: just re-read your post and realised you’re not the ones going on holiday. In the UK you can rent wheelchairs really easily – just Google UK wheelchair rental. If you live somewhere rural you can get one delivered, or drive into a city to collect one.

  3. Some British Red Cross branches will lend you one.

    Alternatively put out a request on a local (to where your Father lives) Facebook or Nextdoor page. You might well find someone who has one that they don’t need any more.

    Thirdly, consider buying a second-hand one on Ebay. In a lot of situations, an elderly relative has died and the offspring now have a wheelcahir that is no longer required. You can often get these quite cheaply, usually because the owner doesn’t want to parcel them up and post them, so search in Ebay on “pickup only” and specifiy where. Assuming you are driving, that can be near your home, or near Dad’s home, or anywhere en route.

    But don’t leave it so late another time.

  4. Red Cross lend but often only have ones for a carer to push, not self-propelling. A medical supplies shop may have more choice for hiring. But the suggestion of asking to borrow or buy locally is a good one.

    If you have a car, take him to places where you can borrow wheelchairs, like museums or National Trust properties.

  5. I posted on this NextDoor. A neighbour 100m round the corner I’d never known before lent me one.

  6. He would probably be better off with a mobility scooter, more “agency” for the user, and less likely to get harassed by dickheads when he gets up out of it. Many towns have places doing hire. Only thing is even “boot scooter” ones are quite heavy and awkward to lift into the car. That’s not a problem if you’ll just take the scooter from home or take a bus though.

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