So ive been out of the dating game for 6 years. I got out of a 5 year relationship a little over a year ago. Afterwards, i focused on myself, healthy eating, pursing my dream job with online schooling at nights. Working 8-5 as a Administrative Assistant. I don’t just seek something after a relationship. A get my mind straight so I can reflect on what he did wrong BUT also what I did wrong to lead up to his actions. It’s living and learning and growing.

So mid August, me and one of my bestfriend I grew up with started talking and going out more and ofcourse led to s*x.
I met him in 2010 going into high school i graduated in 2014 and he graduated. We went to the same school. He was on the band and I was on the dance team. So two completely different friend groups plus different grades. But I was the person in HS that was friendly.. and just vibes with everyone. Anyways, I would be the one playing video games with the guy group in is game room, smoking with them and hearing all the “FUN” talk about females and shit. Never pursing anything with them. I was really just the girl in the group. Idk how to explain it. I get along better with guys than girls tbh.
So if one of us has ALWAYS been single when the other one was in a relationship. Or vise vera. So we never really never tried anything with each other before. And since this is with a good friend that knows my family, that knows me, my friends, I know his friends. It’s a really different path especially since I haven’t done this in years. I just want to TRY to do this right. Help???

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