What’s your type and how does that influence your attraction towards her?

  1. totally have a thing for asian and middle eastern women. the dark hair, almond shaped eyes, skin color….love it. my wife is japanese and hawaiian, she has long, dark hair but it has natural mermaid waves 🙂

    if we ever had kids they’d be japanese, hawaiian, black, romani, and cuban….and maybe even some portuguese because her dad thinks there’s some of that blood in her heritage, talk about a family melting pot XD

  2. None realy. Admittedly i tend to date within my own race. But women are women and its more lack of opertunity that’s seen me not stray beyond my own race. Which realy is a shame. As they say in pokemon “gotta fuck em all” and im too settled now to even have that chance

  3. Caucasian. But there are beautiful women in all races. If I were not married I would not be opposed to dating other races. IF I decided to date again. lol.

  4. I feel like I’m relatively sheltered and “discover” women in phases.

    Freshman year of college I discovered British women. Later in college I appreciated Latinas. For a brief period I was discovering thick black women. Then I moved to D.C. and discovered Desi women.

    Any time I see a new ethnicity I’m like “ooh neat!”. But ethnicity isn’t a factor I use when determining a woman’s attractiveness and it never has been.

  5. Being raised by white parents in white suburbia, I generally only looked for and dated white girls. It wasn’t anything conscious, really. It’s kind of what was all around me. Then I got together with this Latina woman, and my world was changed. Like, completely turned up side – down……..for the better. WAAAAAAAY better. I will leave it at that.

  6. White or Asian for me. I’ve only ever been with white women, but have been very attracted to Asian women lately, so if I decided to date again I would maybe pursue an Asian.

  7. Those halfies where it’s some Asian/Tibetan genetics mixed with northern European ones.

    She gets the best of both sets of genes.

  8. I prefer white women. Brunettes especially. But a redhead or black hair/blue eyes combo can be attractive.

  9. I don’t actually have a racial preference. All of my exes have been white simply because that’s who happen to share my interests. Give me a Black or West Asian woman who lives, eats, and breathes rock music just as I do and I’ll be just as happy.

    Err. I guess I do have a small preference. I, a brown man, don’t entertain the idea of dating Latinas. I’ve been around enough Latinas to know that my type of woman doesn’t exist in my race. And I really don’t feel the need to disappoint *another* set of parents and siblings with my complete lack of… “Mexican-ness”.

  10. It isn’t about race or ethnicity, its about culture and attitudes. If she’s pretty shes pretty, but if we won’t get along because she’s not on the same game plan I am, we won’t work.

  11. Asian. Because I’m Asian. But I have dated Latina and black women too. Never tried dating white women.

  12. The only race I am generally not attracted to is that of black women and maybe Indian women. Not sure why, I just don’t find them as attractive personally, but I can notice when one is genuinely a good looking woman, despite me not being attracted to them.

  13. I feel attracted to all races but especially Latinas and black since that is what I’m around a lot. I’m sure if I was around white or Asians I’d feel that way too.

  14. As long as she’s hot, I don’t care, pretty much, but I would say that if I won the world’s greatest jackpot and I could afford going to the brothels several times a day, every day of the week, I’d pretty much go mostly for Italian women and Middle-eastern women and Chinese women.

  15. Specific ethnicity? None.
    But I find myself more attracted to white, latina and black women, but that is mostly based on experience.

    Certain characteristics is more attractive to me, but its all about preference.
    For me, a cute smile, kind eyes, and a well defined butt is the best.

  16. It varies depending upon my mood.

    And seeing a really hot woman of a particular ethnicity can get me thinking about other hot women of that same ethnicity.

  17. White or Hispanic women really do it for me personally but I find certain women of all races super attractive.

  18. As much as it pains me to admit it: Asian women have always been my cryptonite. Nerdy asians with glasses? Please and thank you.

    But since this is rife for people to assume I’m some sort of weabo tentacle porn loving weirdo that wants a submissive geisha to order around, I just shut the fuck up about it and try my hardest to not let be a thing.

  19. I’m half black and half white.

    I’m physically attracted to women of all races equally, however, I tend to go for white and Hispanic women most often.

  20. I don’t care about race/ethnicity. For whatever reason I’m drawn to short chubby girls with big boobs.

  21. I’ve always been into European women with darker features. Been having a thing for pretty Indian and Asian women as of late. Middle eastern women are hot as hell but completely foreign to me so not interested past their physical attractiveness.

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