I don’t like going to bars and I hate the dating app culture, at 30 am I pretty much forever fucked lol?

  1. What about hobbies or social events? How do you feel about meeting people in general? What do you currently do to try to date?

    If you do nothing to try to date and you hate all the options, then I’m not sure how you’d date.

  2. On the bus, crosswalks, subways, shopping malls, etc. etc.

    ‘eye contact’

    Are you able to respond to eye contact? eg. A girl across the room gives you ‘the eye’ (holds your gaze longer than normal, not just once but two or more times).

    Can you go up to her if she’s attractive to you, and introduce yourself? Perhaps engage her in conversation leading to an offer of a date (by you), or, exchange of texting numbers (with the objective of ultimately offering to date her via text).

  3. I’m in the same boat I don’t really know what we’re supposed to do. I don’t even like really leaving my house since Covid I’ve gotten really used to just staying at home. I guess you could join groups online and talk about stuff that you like to talk about or you could join some group in person that does things that you like to do if you Google it I don’t really know some bars are not a good way to meet people anyway so I guess I’d rather be single than meeting people at bars

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