A little back story. He and his friend moved into this place without me while I stayed in another state. I moved in maybe 6 months into him staying here. I have my own room and him and his gf has their own room. There was a third person involved in the rooming situation and he owned all the living room furniture. When he left we had to buy new furniture. I didn’t have a hand in any of the furniture and let them know why (I didn’t plan on staying) but then things changed. Eventually my brother bought all the furniture / tv + everything else in the living room. He spends all his time in there with his girl. I don’t have any issue with him spending any time since he did buy literally everything in there. But he start taking things far when he bought curtains + start keeping it crazy dark in there 24/7 THEN when I had company come over from out of town I asked if they could stay in the living room. He said they could but he wouldn’t stop playing his games. I told him that was messed up cus it wasn’t considerate. He said he bought everything in there. I said I didn’t care because my company wasn’t going to use anything in the living room. I eventually just let my company stay in my own room with me. Issues like this with my brother happened before and we argued really badly a lot. I’m pretty confrontational at times but I’m trying to get better. Who’s right or wrong? Or how should I go about it? Nothings happened recently at the house but I know I’ll want people over soon. Last time I had someone over we were in the living room and he almost started to complain that he wanted to play games.

TL;DR: brother bought all furniture in living room + TV which makes him believe he should spend all his time there. Even when I have people over and we’re not using any of his stuff.

  1. That seems contradictory – he literally bought the furniture, TV, everything. So you are using his stuff if you hang out unless you’re all sitting on the floor just talking. I’m going to assume that you pay rent together though so it should equally be your space to hang out. It honestly sounds like he’s ready for his own space and it seems like you also need your own space.

  2. Sometimes living with siblings isn’t a good idea. It can be hard to compromise or see each other’s side in things, like in this case.

    Your brother may have bought all the furniture, but presumably you’ve contributed to shared household items in other ways. Maybe not as equally, but still to be shared.

    And the obvious: you did pay for the common space rooms too.

    Again, while it’s reasonable to expect some sharing now and then, given that it’s your brother and he isn’t listening, I’m not sure you two have the relationship or he has the maturity to realize how to actually live together.

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