What are small things you do to make a hard day a bit better?

  1. Say “hi!! How are you??? Yeaaah , you doin good?? I bet you are aren’t ya c’mere I love you so much” to my dog

  2. I talk to my beloved

    I have a treat, or some tea

    I have a bath and look up journal prompts /journal

    I go to the sea

    I read my poetry books

    I definitely light a scented candle, it always calms me

    look at pretty cottages for sale

    write out dreams and aspirations

    cook ravioli

    listen to new playlists

    buy a new book

  3. Make a list of all the tiny things you have accomplished throughout the day. It sounds stupid but write down even the most mundane task. I’m talking things like, made breakfast, brushed teeth. Hard days are hard, but when we are able to cross things off a list we know we are moving forward towards better days.

  4. Wash my face and brush my teeth at the end of the day, or at least I’m trying to make that my new habit. I usually struggle to do things involving self-care when I have bad days, but that’s all the more reason to do them 🙂

  5. A healthy green smoothie. Even if I had an unproductive/stressful day, at least I got something healthy in my system.

  6. Have a salt bath.

    No idea why it works for me but it really changes my mood 🤷🏻‍♀️

  7. First, remember it’s just a day. Doing this robs the power you are giving to the external world around you. It’s just a day and you 100% will get through it.

    Second, smile. Even if it’s at the smallest thing in the external world which most likely can make or break your internal world. For me, it’s crossing paths with a yellow car and saying to self “yellow car I win”. Or something else that is precious and one of my favorite things.

    Third, be present. It’s understandable that every cell in your body will tell you “ESCAPE!” But don’t. Face and accept that bad days happen and that’s ok. Not every day will be good. But you can find comfort in being ok in the present by facing what is challenging you. You’ll find great empowerment in being present with challenges. Bad days are opportunities to shine your inner greatness and triumph despite the obstacles. If you escape and disconnect from the present/reality, you’ll most likely fall victim to further issues that could have been avoided if you had been aware and present.

    Last but not least, remember you got this. Seriously. Pump yourself up. Do the super hero stance either physically or mentally through envisioning it. Be your own cheerleader and believe in yourself. You are 100% capable of handling every single obstacle that is put in your path. Even if they aren’t handled perfectly, you are doing the best you can and that is enough. You are human. Give yourself a break and applaud even the smallest of accomplishments.


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