How has your life improved under the Biden administration vs. under previous ones?

  1. no president can improve your life only you can. Don’t wait for a magical politician to solve your problems

  2. Well my bonus this year was a lot bigger than it was last year, that was pretty nice

  3. The president has very little impact on the daily lives of Americans. We don’t have a king, rather 3 branches of government.

  4. The president doesn’t have such an influence on my day to life life to be that noticeable, especially only a year into Bidens presidency.

  5. Was able to get vaccinated and boosted, there is now no masking at work or church, I got a 10% raise at work and have more spare money than I’ve ever had, my retirement account grew by over 20% last year, and the eviction assistance charity I help with through my church had a reprieve in assistance requests during the moratorium and was able to build up funds.

  6. Well, I don’t have this overwhelming sense of dread every morning when I wake up and wonder what the President said or did.

  7. My stocks aren’t doing so good under Biden. I’m also paying more for gas. Not sure how strong the correlation is but I’m sure its greater than zero.

  8. I’m at least not waking up every morning going “Ohhh great what did he do this time?!” so a bit more peaceful… Of course I still do that for the former president.

  9. I own a house now.

    None of his administration or decisions have affected my life, but I can’t say having a house hasn’t improved my life.

  10. Improved? Yup, that has not happened, more like I spend a lot more $ for basic necessities.

  11. seeing pets in the white house again gave me some genuine joy, if that counts.

  12. It hasn’t. But I don’t blame Biden for a company laying me off last year any more than I credit Trump with getting me hired in 2019.

    The idea that a president has much impact of the day to day running of the country, never mind my life, is kind of bizarre.

  13. I don’t lose $5000 off my portfolio value just because the president sent a tweet.

  14. In all honesty? Hasn’t changed much.

    Taxes in my area are more an issue of the state than federal. Government takes more than I want and makes my life harder than I’d like, but that’s always been the case.

  15. I dont have a Pavlovian reaction whenever I turn on the TV anymore, wondering what the President has done now.

    Biden not being on Twitter is a godsend.

  16. It hasn’t. Presidents honestly have very few effects on the average citizen most of the time unless they champion and pass major legislation, which doesn’t happen as often as people think.

  17. My life is better. I got a better job with more pay and better work environment. My financial life is better too. Working from home for the past 2 years saved me a lot of money, so no financial pinch, not even higher gas prices.

    The best thing is that I don’t have to wake up and hear what absolutely ridiculous thing the president has said. That’s worth more than gold!

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