When was a time you or someone you know fell victim to a telemarketing scam?

  1. My buddy almost did because the scammer somehow got a lot of personal information about him (not just name, current address, and stuff but even deeper).


    After hearing from him on what he heard from the scammer (like what info he used to try to lure him), I couldn’t blame him. They are getting smarter.

  2. I have only in listening to them too long.

    I have since trained myself not to pickup the phone if there is no Caller ID, and if I do to end the conversation by saying I will look up whatever they are talking about on the appropriate web site.

  3. In my early teens I got as far as starting an install for a “Microsoft technician” to observe the “data issues” that he was alerted to.

    I realized halfway through the install it was probably wrong, I hung up on the scammer and hard powered-off the pc.

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