I’ve gotten four new light fixtures installed plus a new ceiling fan, and wired everything right on the first go. Wasn’t sure with the fan since it’s dual switches.

I have brisket and ribs rolling on the smoker and it’s in the 70s today. Getting ready to sit down on the patio with a fresh Guinness.

So how are you all doing today

  1. Saturdays I typically grab a coffee and go for a walk near some water and call my folks. Actually got sunburnt, got up to 15 C and felt great.

    I went to buy some shorts but I have a disproportionately large ass, the new “in thing” seems to be slimmer fits and nothing fits me well. Went to a bunch of different stores and couldn’t find anything that feels good which kinda sucks.

    Going on a date tonight so here’s hoping it goes well!

  2. Going through my second divorce and I’m trying to make it through each day. Trying to stay busy to stop the obsessive thoughts. Went rollerblading this morning, haven’t done it in years except with my kids at the rink. Drained the water heater, haven’t done it in years. So many people would love more free time and alone time, I can’t stand it, I miss my wife so much.

    Your day sounds awesome, I’m glad you are enjoying the little things. I try to remind myself of that everyday.

    I’ve been watching the Ted talk “Three A’s of Awesome” to help remind me that there is still joy in life.

  3. Honestly life is incredible right now. Just found out my wife is pregnant after a year of trying (haven’t been able to tell anyone yet although I’m beyond excited). Just got a raise at work. And we are FINALLY done doing a remodel on our house. It’s Saturday and I’m enjoying a couple beers and watching the Master’s.

  4. Sounds like a damn good day, brother. If you smoke, I’ve found that cigars are a great pairing with Guinness.

  5. I tried to make myself some good steak, kinda fucked it up, made it very chewy. Teeth hurt a bit now.

    Otherwise good. 👍

  6. Went for a run and then got shopping. Watched some football (soccer, Everton v Manchester United). Got a 1/2 marathon tomorrow. If I have any energy after that, I’ll tackle more of my university assignment when I get back.

    Weather’s been lovely and sunny and I don’t mind it being cold.

    I hope you are all doing well.

  7. Painting the walls at my house. Kitchen done, living room next. Shit is work.

  8. Great and great! Up at 6:30. Rainy this morning but now it’s bright and sunny. Snuggled my love. Ran an errand. Got coffee and doughnuts. A little work stuff. Took a walk with my love and am on my second glass of wine. Beers in the fridge. Life is too good; so much so that I know it can’t continue.

  9. Blah, just trying to find motivation to do something, preferably outside. Just kinda blah

    Your day sounds pretty good though. How’s the beer?

  10. Got some projects done, but it’s cold and gray here…again. Buddies are also busy with their own stuff and the wife and kids are doing their own thing at the arcade.

    Wish the weather would get nicer. I’m tired of sucking it up and being out in this wintery smarch garbage.

  11. I’m now on stage 3 of the 5 stages of grief. I didn’t know they didn’t need to go in the order usually presented to us. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_stages_of_grief](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_stages_of_grief). Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I skipped around: Denial, depression and now on to anger.

    Other than that, I’m watching awful television and playing games.

  12. Took my (step)kids to see Sonic 2 today! They enjoyed it, I had a few laughs. Life is alright right now, a bit overworked and sore but I’m the breadwinner while my wife stays home with our non school aged daughter.

    Wish a few (minor) things were better, but such is life. Can’t complain otherwise.

  13. Yeah pretty good thanks. Got my pedal bike fixed this morning and returned a lost phone I found yesterday back to its owner before doing some gardening.

  14. I’m doing okay. Had a good chat with my old man this morning over the phone. Then I tidied up my place for a bit and I’ve been rewatching Severance all day.

  15. Started a business in November and already have 43 clients. Launched a drop-shipping business and an employee wellness firm as well.

    Doing so much better than I could ever have expected.

  16. Tired, burnt out, and directionless in terms of a career. Been delivering for uber last two years and I can’t take much more of it.

  17. Pretty good actually. I overcame my reclusive impulse. I took the train into the city to do some shopping and walk around/take pictures. I popped into a bar/restaurant for some lunch to avoid getting caught in a thunderstorm, and had friendly exchanges with the store clerks and bar staff I talked to.

  18. Mostly hanging out with my son since mom is taking a much needed weekend away. Won’t be much free time for projects this weekend. I did get a little done while he was napping today.

  19. Dunno, just got up but so far so good. Will probably play Elden Ring all day, might make an omelette.

  20. I think I’m in the worst period of my life right now. Got diagnosed with bladder cancer last month and after getting a tumor removed my second biopsy came back still with cancer. Starting treatment in a few weeks but completely terrified and feeling defeated right now.

  21. Pointed out to my fiancée that she’s a narcissist during a heated argument, an attractive girl working at a geek café mistook me for a much older man because I was wearing a fleece jacket and I was there with my young son and I just over ate at what is 11:48pm for me; surprisingly I am still quite happy and chilled.

  22. Celebrated one of my favorite co-workers birthday yesterday. His wife snuck his phone and invited all the people from work he talked positively about. Surprised the hell out of him. It was awesome.

    Usually don’t hang out with co-workers but I think they might make a great couple for my wife and I to hang out with so that’s pretty awesome.

    I’m also very hungover and tired.

  23. Spent several months studying for a certification just to miss the online exam today because I was wrong on what time zone it was scheduled in. My mistake but still sucks.

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