Hello gang!

The AskAnAmerican moderation team is looking for new blood!

If you would like to apply, please respond in this thread with your answers to the following:

1. What times are you typically on Reddit? (Include your time zone)
2. What qualities would make you a good moderator?
3. Why in God’s name would you ever want to be a moderator here?
4. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
5. What do you think would make this subreddit a better place?
6. How long have you been subscribed to /r/AskAnAmerican?

All applicants will be considered, but not all will be selected.

Thank you in advance for your application. And a thank you to all our subscribers for continuing to make this a wonderful subreddit …mostly.

  1. 1. 5 pm to 10 pm Eastern mainly but periodically through out the day.

    2. I love this sub. I want to see it grow.

    3. See my answer to question 3

    4. White oak

    5. Requiring OPs to give a country not MyCountry.

    6. I really don’t know. 4 years maybe.

  2. >1. What times are you typically on Reddit? (Include your time zone)

    10am-10pm off and on; I’m in the Japan time zone (GMT+9; 12-15 hours ahead of the continental US)

    > 2. What qualities would make you a good moderator?

    Extremely online, extremely American

    > 3. Why in God’s name would you ever want to be a moderator here?

    Spend most of my reddit time in this sub

    > 4. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    oak? IDFK

    > 5. What do you think would make this subreddit a better place?

    A requirement that any posts about MyCountry™ specify where that is

    > 6. How long have you been subscribed to [/r/AskAnAmerican](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican)?

    Not sure, at least 2 years

  3. >What times are you typically on Reddit? (Include your time zone)

    I work from home so most of the day. 7AM-10PM EST

    >What qualities would make you a good moderator?

    I want this place to remain the quality and default “America” subreddit.

    >Why in God’s name would you ever want to be a moderator here?

    I want to see what life is like behind the curtain.

    >If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    American Chestnut. I’m just trying to live, ya know.

    >How long have you been subscribed to /r/AskAnAmerican?

    Close to 10 years.

  4. 1. What times are you typically on Reddit? (Include your time zone)

    Normal waking hours. UTC -4.

    2. What qualities would make you a good moderator?

    My ability to find strategic alignment amongst diverse stakeholders to facilitate synergistic relationships.

    3. Why in God’s name would you ever want to be a moderator here?

    To save the bald eagles.

    4. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    American chestnut (Castanea dentata). Wiped out by Dutch elm disease decades ago, this species use to dominate the forest of the Eastern US. There hasn’t been a seed-bearing adult know for a long time until one was very recently discovered in….of all places….Delaware.

    5. What do you think would make this subreddit a better place?

    If u/cupbeempty got a bit more sleep, particularly on the weekends.

    6. How long have you been subscribed to /r/AskAnAmerican?

    I have no earthly idea.

  5. 1. I am on Reddit multiple times a day (especially while I am at work). These times are typically between 9 AM to 11 PM, Central time zone. (GMT -5? -6?)

    2. I enjoy this sub, and I want to do my part to pitch in and help keep it a good, entertaining sub. (As an American, perhaps this is my civic duty?) While I have beliefs of my own, I recognize that other people may have opposing beliefs and I can keep a level head and good attitude while having honest, good-faith discussions with those who (also in good faith) may disagree with me. I do not humor those who act in bad faith, and I do not engage in petty cat fights.

    3. If I am not chosen, then I am hoping it is because you had applicants who were better, stronger candidates than me. I want to make sure you have at least one *decent* applicant. 😉

    4. A [phone tree.](https://www.callfire.com/help/glossary/communications/phone-tree)

    5. It’s hard to say, because I think it’s already pretty great. I would like to see a larger number and variety of questions from non-Americans so we could explore intercultural exchanges more deeply, but I think that would come naturally if we got more non-Americans on reddit in general.

    6. I didn’t keep track, unfortunately. My best guess is: more than a few months but less than three years.

  6. Despite my curiosity, I live in Australia and would likely no longer represent Americans on a bell curve. Still wouldn’t mind the opportunity to shut down holier-than-thous in my time zone – there are a lot of them.

  7. >What times are you typically on Reddit? (Include your time zone)

    When the mood is upon me.

    >What qualities would make you a good moderator?

    The ability to arbitrarily enforce my will and pretend its the result of neutrally applied rules.

    >Why in God’s name would you ever want to be a moderator here?

    I hate myself.

    >If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?

    A tall one.

    >What do you think would make this subreddit a better place?

    Bring back posting the lyrics of sea shanties in response to obvious trolls.

    >How long have you been subscribed to /r/AskAnAmerican?

    Long enough.

  8. Always hiring?

    Is it turnover?

    It’s turnover isn’t it.

    Y’all aren’t paying the mods enough! What have all these fundraisers been for if they aren’t paying the mods??

  9. 1. Frequently throughout the day. Pretty much everyday of the week. Eastern time.

    2. I’m really cool. I like this sub.

    3. Same as 2.

    4. A nice big evergreen. Reminds me of Christmas and hot cocoa.

    5. Id make it so that all new questions have to start with the entire lyrics of “God Bless the USA” with emphasis on the parts that need it. But for real, mandatory no “MyCountry” and any question that gets asked in bad faith gets to be put in a super post at the end of the year so we can see all the awful ones.

    6. Probably almost 3 years at this point.

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