I’m trying to get active again and meet some new people hopefully. I used to love soccer but need to find a new rec league now that I moved jobs. People getting into arguments with the other team or refs sucked a lot of fun out of it too. I was doing some bjj but honestly don’t want to be 65 with a screwed shoulder. Still feel new to the city because I moved before Covid.

What have others here taken up that worked for them? (Basketball feels like an obvious answer but I’ve been terrible at that my whole life). I’m tired of feeling fat and alone.

  1. I was 38 when I took up running. It is a great community, people are very supportive of one another, and it’s very social. The great thing about running is, is that you compete against yourself. You’re always trying to do better, or trying to reach a personal record. At age 40 I ran 10 mi for the first time. At age 41 I ran my first marathon.

    There are not only individual races, but there are also relay races where you work with a team. Of course there are also destination races, think Big Sur. Another great positive about running, is there isn’t any contact with another person. There will always be injuries though.

  2. I recently moved to an area that is coocoo for cocopuffs with mountain biking. I only have a hard tail right now but after going out on some easier trails with some people I met out here I have the bug to dump too much money on a nice Enduro style bike and shred crazy downhill stuff.

    It isn’t necessarily a team sport but I’m getting exercise and hanging out with cool people and tbh I’m more comfortable with that.

    Edit: automod yelled at me. How do I do the flair thing?

  3. Hockey. Though one of the more expensive sports to get into.

    Always wanted to play hockey as a kid but couldn’t afford it. Particularly goalie. Friend of a friend had some old goalie gear he sold me for $100. Loved it and over the years got better at it and better equipment.

    Started around 32 or so. Now playing for two beer leagues at 39. Never really played competitive team sports growing up. Playing goalie was being part of a team, but a more singular role.

  4. I started swing dancing in my mid 40s. I liked it because it had a nice community. However, finding lessons and dances is highly dependent on where you live. Some cities have a lively scene, others have none.

  5. BJJ. A bit like judo but more strangling and less hitting the ground. Great people, technical, heavy exercise and all round brilliant fun.

  6. I rock climb. Most areas have a decent climbing gym. The community is awesome. I meet someone new just about every time I go to the gym. There are people of all ages. I am 37, my usual belay partner is 24. I also climb with people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. It’s my social time now.

    I also have a couple of friends that I go on bike rides with a few days a week.

  7. At 36 I took up hurling, an Irish field sport I’ve been obsessed with since I was in college there. It’s growing in popularity across the globe thanks to social media and streaming. So glad I finally got into it, although it’s pretty rough on a 40 year old body.

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