Last night i had a deep talk with my boyfriend of 5 years about our sex life.

The last two years I’ve felt him loose interest in me. I haven’t changed much except I’ve become a tiny bit more curvy.

I know he has a small porn addiction, and he tries hard to get rid of it. The thing is, he is a crossdresser, which also is one of his kinks.

He used to say I’m cute and pretty all the time, and we had an amazing sex life. Now he needs to put something on himself in order to get worked up.

I get very jealous of the fact that he watches other girls. I mentioned this, and he admitted that he doesn’t watch it because he wants to be with them, but because he imagines what it’s like to feel so sexy and pretty.

It’s the only thing that gets him going, and it’s the only reason he watches it.

Whenever we have sex now, I also experience that he’s only focused on himself.

It’s taken a toll on my confidence. I don’t feel pretty anymore. When I dress up I ask him if it looks cute, and he politely agrees. But he doesn’t come and kiss me because his heart skips a beat. He tries to be nice, because he gets jealous of me.

He doesn’t see me cause he is blinded by jealousy. He says he loves me and my personality, but the jealousy ruins the lust.

How do I deal with this? I knew he was a crossdresser from the beginning, but I didn’t want it like this. Should he see a therapist maybe? I’m so lost. I love him very much outside of all this…

  1. what do you mean by jealousy? id suggest trying to bring your concerns up with him love . Communication is key

  2. I helped my boyfriend put on makeup once. It was cute and a bonding experience, I think it increased our connection because he felt taken care of and pretty and it was something I could share with him.

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