What caused the first fight you were in?

  1. Uhh. There was this kid in like 3rd grade who was purposefully weird to freak people out, and I didn’t care, because I was the biggest kid in the grade and was also weird just quiet about it. So one day he jumped on my back and started hitting me on the head. But it was 3rd grade and neither of us knew how to fight, so I was very confused because it didn’t hurt at all, and I just spun around until he fell off and was like wtf were you doing? And he ran off and left me alone after that.

  2. I don’t really remember kindergarten fights, but fighting was literally our favorite thing. We all had those plastic rifles(wild west style) and were smacking each other with them.

    First fight I remember was when I challenged main bully/class leader to fight, he kicked me in balls, I started crying(I was like 7) and that was it.

  3. My first fight I can remember was when I was in daycare. There was only 1 bathroom and one kid and I were both in it, fighting over who was gonna use it first. He pushed me and I fell on the toilet. Part of my hoodie went in the water. I then slammed his head against the wall. I’d say I won that one.

  4. I don’t remember, but it was 6th grade, and I was winning and tried to end it, and my opponent faked like he was going to and then clocked me right in the nose. Blood everywhere. It was the one and only fight I ever lost and it still bugs me that I didn’t keep my guard up. Learned a lesson that day, though.

    Postscript, within a day I wound up talking to the kid that hit me, and we wound up being very good friends for the rest of that year and through 8th grade, and we were boys’ pairs raquetball partners (and champions) all three years.

  5. First actual fight I remember was being bullied in 7th grade. I can’t tell you why he started picking on me but we finally threw down after school. I got him in a headlock and started calling him a girl when he tried to pull my hair to get out of it.

    But….guys are weird. We became friends after that fight.

  6. Another kid was making fun of me on the playfield after I was already dealing with ostracization from skipping a grade and still being top of the class. And so I decided I’m going to jump this fool weigh him down till he falls, and then punch him repeatedly. I remember executing the first part of this plan, don’t remember how the rest went.

  7. Never been in one but closest I got was this kid I hated just so happened to have struck my younger brother. Truth be told, I was looking for any excuse. About 20 years later and I’m sure you’re still a cunt, Michael Lugo!

  8. One of the kids in Jr high decided I being short, non athletic and nerdy thought I would make a great target for his bullying and he punched me and threw me to the ground.

    I got up, gave him a knife hand to the throat and kicked him in the face. He found another target.

    Worth the in-school suspension. (I also once got suspended for cutting a bully’s knuckles with my braces. Zero tolerance policies are stupid.)

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