Turning 30 soon, looking for bday suggestions – I’m honestly torn between my options below. Would love to hear what you guys did.

Context: I’ve spent this whole year already celebrating by doing trips, going international, endless events and shows. Not sure if I should keep it low key after my eventful year or finish with a bang at my favorite big city (Chicago, NY, etc).

Note: I’m a loner with few friends far away so no big house party possible. This would just be my GF and I, maybe brother.

Option 1; Low key (hike, staycation downtown in my “meh” city, visit nearby small town with winery)

* Pro: Cost effective, easier to plan, 2 nearby friends could maybe come, see nice fall nature views, can do it close to my bday vs weekend after.

* Con: Doesn’t scream 30th I guess? A bday ending with zero only comes ever so often, all my friends have done big trips and huge parties

Option 2: Do it big (visit a big city – NYC, Chicago, etc):

* Pro: City views and endless things to do, haven’t visited NYC in years

* Con: Pricy and I’d feel bad as my GF insists she pays most of it, visiting Vegas 2 weeks before so already get a similar experience? Brother likely can’t come, somewhat feeling over traveled but can muster up energy

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