On the occasions I’ve had someone who just says nothing and stares at me after I say something. I sometimes find this confusing. Like in school my friend’s mom asked me what the subject of my presentation is. I told her but she just kept staring at me without saying anything so I thought she hadn’t heard me and I repeated it twice more. I guess she wanted me to elaborate?

I’m more concerned right now with a roommate who does this frequently. Changing a few details, but I told him how when I was just on the bus I someone’s electric wheel chair caught on fire. The roommate just stared at me without saying anything. Does this mean he doesn’t like talking to me? If he’s not going to respond should I just walk away? There are several roommates and things have been turbulent but I didn’t think with him.

  1. Can you tell a story and type it out. Can be made up or whatever just want to see how you say it.

  2. There’s a lot of reasons why those people might not have responded. Could have been your tone, delivery, not enough details, etc. Could also be the day they were having. I know when my social battery is drained I can barely pull out a “that’s crazy”.

    Without context and knowing exactly what you said (and even with that) it’s hard to find an answer. Do you act excited and smile when telling stories? People usually react to others energy so if you’re coming across as monotone or giving one words answers to questions it makes things go stale pretty quick.

    Again, hard to know the reason. Just try a couple different approaches and see if their reactions change. Best of luck.

    Edit: spelling

  3. If we could see video of the events we could probably tell you why, but just off your description it’s impossible. The relevant details are not known to you or else you do not realize they are relevant.

  4. Sounds to me like the don’t like you. Did they engage the conversation with you or did you just start to talk at them while they were doing something else?

  5. Talk slower, negate a bigger pause when you want a response whilst raising your eyes brows / make your eyes alive

    hypocrite cause I cant but I try

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