The only close people in my life are my parents. I do have many relatives but they live overseas and I rarely speak to them. I don’t have close friends and no girlfriend. It’s bothering me that I have no close person beside my parents. How many do you have in your life?

  1. I’m close with my family (father and brother), no gf. I have about three friends that I can share almost everything with, but I haven’t seen them in more than a year and communicate with them online. I talk with a guy almost daily, but we’re only work associates; I don’t think we’d hang out as much or even at all if we didn’t have a business together.

    About two years ago I was struggling with this situation a lot, since I felt like I had nobody to talk to when shit hit the fan. Hell, I still feel lonely on many occasions. But at the same time, I started to appreciate what I have more. We may not see each other for a while, but these three people I always feel like we would be close no matter what happened. Same with my family. I think most people underappreciate family, if and when there is a good connection.

  2. My sisters. But there’s some things I don’t really talk about with them. I wish I had a best friend. Or any close friends

  3. Like, none.

    I am a socializer. I have a good amount of friends. But I kinda gave up on making a “thing” of friendships and started interacting with people as they need me and I need them. With my climbing partner, we only climb. With co-workers, only work. Fishing with fellow fishers. Parent with fellow parents. That kinda thing.

    Still not sure if this is how things always have been and before I was just romanticizing deeper friendships? Or if I’m missing something. But it works for me.

  4. Just my mum. I wish I had a bigger family. My mum is my world and I have regular panic attacks about how alone I’d be if anything happened to her.

  5. my parents, mostly my mom. i have one real friend and some “friends” but we dont hang out much, most time im with my parents. oh and my pets!

  6. I have one person I use to be really close with, but we’ve definitely grown apart. I’m very lonely most of the time, but I’m also not sure i want more people in my life.

  7. Family and great friend who time and time again show me they will drop anything to go to my rescue. And is just what I’d do for any of them

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