I used to play football in the morning, video games in the afternoon and football again in the evening in the holidays when I was like 10.

I swear I now have like half the energy that I had back then. I go the gym for like a hour and a half and then sit on my fat ass watching youtube and various shows.

Also, can you guys suggest anything to cope up with boredom during holidays? I have one more month left before college starts and I am bored as fuck. I am trying to lose some weight and have lost like 8 kilos(18 pounds for my American friends).

  1. because kids typically sleep a lot, eat a lot, and run around a lot. exercise gives you energy. they’re growing. they also don’t smoke, drink, use drugs, or typically have a ton of stress (depending on your life situation), so they’re very healthy.


    boredom…well…if it’s cold where you live, keep playing vidya games. have you ever wanted to learn an instrument? drawing or painting? photography? bird watching (what my buddy ken calls “bird collecting”)?

  2. Fast metabolism, you burn a lot of calories so you have a lot of energy to use.

    After a certain age it slows down, so you have less energy, and the calories you consume instead of becoming energy thei get stored as fat

  3. Because we literally are on a biological level more energetic. Also since everything is new so the “discovery” aspect and the awe of actually seeing and experiencing something new is very motivating and stimulates the brain much more than every day adult life.

    That being said: It is necessary, one cannot stay a child forever without paying a hefty price for it.

  4. In my own annoying poetic way: The weight of the world slows us down.

    When we’re older, we’re stressed, depressed, and we just don’t have as much energy anymore. Our responsibilities drain us more, and so we can’t just bounce from fun activity to fun activity while others make sure there’s food on the table and a roof over our head.

    As a kid I think the thing I wished for most was wishing for childhood to be over so I could be an adult and do all the adult things. Something about grass being greener.

  5. We’re not yet programmed, hopeless adults that lose our meaning of life after getting sucked in the hamster wheel

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