The college dating pool was so lively. I was in a serious relationship for a year, in a semi-serious relationship from 2 years and resisting temptation from so many attractive people all four years of college 😂😂. I’m about a year and a half graduated and wow. The activity level in my dating life is drastically lower. Anyone have any comments or advice for someone who has only dated in college and is finding dating out of college challenging

  1. Through friends or apps. Understand people work 40 hrs a week so free time doesn’t come as often, so they will be pissed when you waste it. Also know that issues people had before that you saw are gonna amplified by real world stress. Doing at this stage is tougher but it will be better since you aren’t required to carry stupid shit you did when you were younger like 50kg weight vest and have the same fights over and over.

  2. It do be like that. It behooves one to use college time strategically and try to exit college with “their person” in tow. Every single day post college, it is harder to meet someone than the day before.

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