Every time I’m in a social situation, I feel more mentally slow than when I’m alone. Also I work better on things when I’m alone, but when I’m with others, I work and perform less effective.

I think that it’s the social anxiety that affect my mental flow, and the low self esteem. But if you know how to deal with it, please let know

  1. I’d say this is the main difference about being an introvert vs extrovert.

    Being around people drains energy for introverts, and extroverts gain energy in the same environment.

    As someone who conquered social anxiety over his early 20s, I STILL get tired hanging out in groups as a result, this likely won’t change for you. People are distracting when you have work to do.

    You can still get work done but you’re gonna have to adapt by trying to talk less, let people know you’re focusing on x task and don’t wanna be distracted. I usually try to work in a way that requires the least amount of active communication.

    Low self esteem is a symptom of regarding other people’s opinions TOO highly in your mind. You think others are above you.

    You have to take pride in your strengths and realize those strengths put you on the same level bc odds are your strengths are the average person’s weakness. Likewise, you have to practice seeing the flaws in other people. and use those flaws to justify why their judgement is invalid bc you’re really the same as them.

    Do it enough and you end up filtering out the crap and decide you only need the gems of people in your life. It takes a while to get it but now the same jerks who’d insult me i realize have a lot of pitiful things about themselves, like so what then?

  2. Same man every time I enter a room alone after leaving a room with a group of people, I feel so relieved. It’s so exhausting to socialize and trying to fit in people’s expectations of you. But alone I can be myself and free

  3. You are just an introvert and social interactions make you exhausted. A way to deal with it is exposing yourself to social interaction more often so you will finally feel more comfortable around people but it will never change the fact that you are an introvert . You can just train it . Btw being introverted is definitely not a bad thing, it’s how a lot of people function

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