I (24F) had been talking to this girl (25F) for a couple weeks. Last week was originally when we were supposed to meet at 1pm but she called me and asked if we could move it to 4pm instead because she woke up late. I said no because I had already made plans for later but we rescheduled for saturday.

Friday comes around and she says she has to get her car brakes fixed on saturday and asked if we could move it to 3pm instead of 1pm. I originally said no but she promised she would be there. I agreed reluctantly. Last text she sent me was at 1:45. 3pm rolls around and I text her if she was running late and she never answered.

I was on the dating app we met on and saw she was online so I sent her a message saying “If you didn’t want to meet you should’ve just said that”. She texted me she was sorry she didn’t show up she felt self conscious because she was scared I wasn’t going to like her and this was her first date after a break up a year ago but she still wants to me meet.

I don’t want to meet her anymore. Should I just not respond or tell her I’m not interested?

  1. Who’s to say she will show up on the next date you plan? I would just cut it here and unmatch her. She’s a waste of time.

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