what is your favorite alcohol?

  1. London Dry Gin mixed with Pineapple Juice. Favorite brand of Gin, Kirkland.

  2. Fruit Cider. Usually prefer mixed fruits.

    Kopparberg > Rekorderlig > Old Mout

    But I do love a nice original Magners or a Bulmers sometimes too.

  3. Stoli Vodka! ADORE a Stoli martini, some olives, a little dirty. Have a couple a month.

    Thanks to the pandemic lock down, I’ve even taught myself how to make a really great one.


    And to those of you screaming at the Reddit with “HOW DARE YOU DRINK RUSSIAN VODKA!!! DUMP IT YOU FUCKING LIBERAL!!!” To the bonehead morons out there, Stoli is a product of Latvia. Latvia is a member of NATO and has been helping in the war effort AGAINST Russia. Do your research before listening to Fox News.

  4. Bourbon, neat, (no ice or mixers) preferably eagle rare, or if it’s not available I drink 1792

  5. Sake, rum and apple cider.

    Can’t stand the taste of almost any beer, wine and champagne are usually too fancy to drink casually and any other hard drinks tend to taste like just alcohol with no other flavor to me.

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