In the US they also have Bigfoot and mothman. It can be a cryptid or a place where mysterious things happen.

  1. I don’t think Denmark has anything similar; we’re too small a country, to have such places, and we don’t have the same UFO-cryptid sighting culture as other places. That doesn’t mean we don’t have some _amazing_ folkloric creatures, like _slattenpatten_(“Saggy-titty”) with her breasts sagging all the way to her crotch: but no worries, she can sling them over her shoulder when she needs to run somewhere. But her friends just know her as: >!”Your mum.”!< >!^^^^sorry!<

    But no, no secret military bases, and no cryptids. Bogs and lakes and such are traditionally associated with the dangerous creatures of the night, such as *slattenpatten* or _nøkken_, who would lure people into their deaths, drowning them in the lakes and bogs, for them to feast on. Though it is very important it is still water, like lakes and bogs. Running water is a deterrent for “the underground creatures;” so if long-tit-mcgee is chasing you, find the nearest stream or similar and jump across; she wont be able to get to you then!

    _e:_ An auditory supernatural is _knarkvognen_(“The creaky carriage,”) If you hear it approaching, quickly close your eyes, as it is dangerous to see the _knarkvogn_. It is nowhere specified in what way it is dangerous, but it is dangerous.

    _e2:_ We also have _glosoen_(“The staring-sow.”) Basically a supernatural sow with glowing red eyes, commonly sighted on graveyards. It is seen as an omen of death, and it is dangerous if you carry a pouch made of swine-bladder.

  2. We had one here in Sicily!

    It’s the area around Caronia,on the north coast of the island, near Messina.

    They had mysterious fires there.They happened in houses,in parked cars… appliances’spontaneously combusting’.This went on for years and years.

    The experts thought it was caused by electrical impulses, some kind of electro-magnetic activity.They made documentaries about it, they sent TV crews to this small town.

    There were all kinds of theories, from volcanic activity to evil spirits.

    Then they arrested a father and son from the town,who were caught starting a fire.

    Since then nearly all of the ‘mysterious’ activity has mysteriously stopped 😉

    But some people continue to believe that there is a strange magnetic field there.Residents have said they have found dead animals,burnt trees, large numbers of jellyfish washed up dead on the beach etc etc.

  3. I suppose the closest analogy are the more secretive military bases in the UK – Porton Down which is a chemical weapons research centre, or Menwith Hill which is a “Five Eyes” listening station.

    There are also regular rumours of pumas or similar big cats being seen in rural areas.

  4. In the state of North Rhine-Westphalia there is supposedly a city called Bielefeld. I say supposedly because its been proven many times by now to be a hoax that was invented for people to disappear, but it still gets listed in the census etc. Really silly, acually.

  5. I don’t think we have anything like that. Pretty much every centimeter of the country is inhabited or worked on and even the parts that aren’t are frequently visited by hikers, cyclists, forest management, etc. There just isn’t space for anything mysterious to hide.

  6. It would be the [Tribeč]( mountains, the so-called “Tribeč triangle”. People have been disappearing there for decades, one of the theories says that it’s because there are lot of mines and caves and places where people can fall down and disappear.

    Sometimes the mobiles, compasses and GPS don’t work there, it’s been confirmed even by soldiers. They had an exercise there in 2020 and their GPS were showing different numbers. At some places they experienced plugged ears and their cameras even recorded a voice which didn’t belong to any of them saying the name Štefan (none of them was Štefan), it’s on their official YouTube.

    In 216, a popular Slovak author Jozef Karika published a best-selling mystery thriller/horror novel Trhlina (The Rift, [summary and excerpt in PDF]( based on true (or not?) events from Tribeč and in 2019 a [movie]( adaptation was made ([imdb](

  7. We got the Dahut, it is a deer like animal whose legs are shorter on one side so it can run on the slopes of mountains.

    The right way to hunt it is to sneak behind it and call its name. With surprise it turns around to see who is calling it and falls down the slope.

  8. Entroncamento is known for being the place of phenomena

    Weird stuff happens there at an unusual frequence: pumpkins of abnormally big size, four horned goats, white common blackbirds.

    It’s maybe a case of nominative determinism, since in Portuguese folklore crossings are associated with meetings with the paranormal, and Entroncamento means road junction

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