Hello, as an introverted guy that likes hobbies such as, home gym, long walks near the sea, chess, etc.

**Where can I find an introverted girl?**

Clubs, bars are just not my thing, and I would rly like to find a healthy relationship, but somehow all my hobbies attract people of 50 and more years … Also, why I don’t like exstroverts is the fact we have such different social energies and places we like.

  1. I’m an introverted woman and none of what you listed would be something I’d find interesting. Introverts can be found anywhere, you need to find someone to bond with.

  2. I am introvert girl (25F). And i can relate to everything you said. I get more along with people of older age and people of my age thinks i am unhappy with my life because i don’t go out. But they don’t understand i am more than happy in my own company than being around people or going out. Unfortunately, I have to push myself to do stuff i am not comfortable with just to get along.

  3. I’ll caution you against your line is thinking. Have you dated an introvert that you were really into? Is that why you want one, or do you just assume that will be what you like. An extrovert/introvert relationship actually works quite well. Not all extroverts are super high energy. Dating is finding someone who you want to spend your life with. That takes trial and error. It’s not finding a specific person you have in your head. If that were the case OLD would be very successful. I would advise to go on a date with an extrovert. Who knows, you may just like them. Someone in the relationship has to make those tough phone calls when bills get messed up. It’s usually not the introvert.

  4. In today’s society most women are trained to immediately shut down guys who approach them in public because men are painted as creepers are perverts.

  5. I’m an introvert, but being cooped at my house is just something I do to _recharge for going back out and meeting people_. You sound like you want people with similar hobbies—not introverts. Extroverts could also be into your hobbies; they just don’t get exhausted from socializing as easily; it might even energize them at times. Also, extroverts don’t all have golden retriever energy. It’s really as simple as them having a larger capacity for socializing—nothing more. If someone’s excitable, that has little to nothing to do with them being extroverts.

  6. I’m an introverted woman, 44, and I find I would much rather date an extrovert. They get me out of my comfort zone in positive ways and I’ve found activities I actually enjoy by going on dates to places I would never have gone to otherwise. Even though I’m an introvert, I like going out. I go to coffee shops, museums, plays, concerts, out walking, the gun range, road trips, lots of places. If I stayed inside all the time I’d lose what’s left of my mind. I just don’t like socializing with strangers or large groups of people; my circle of friends is small, but loyal.

    You need to broaden your view of dating, women, and life in general. Get off the internet and stop listening to those guys writing manifestos and making videos about us women. Any woman worth being in a relationship with isn’t going to cheat on you just because she goes out with her friends and some idiot hits on her. It doesn’t matter if she’s introverted or extroverted, if you treat her right and you all share the same values, as well as want the same things out of life, the relationship should have a chance. That doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to last because obviously not all relationships do. You just have to put in the effort to make it work.

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