I’m 17M in high school and im feeling pretty good with everyone in the class.

The thing is i want to know more certain people but hey already have a group and i dont know how to really “enter” this group. Sometimes they talk and i’m beside them waiting beacause i dont know what to say/when to say it/ how to say it… and this goes on and on and on. I’m not a really interesting person, i have no hoobies besides playing videogames (and they dont talk about that) i dont play an instrument i dont read ect..

So what can i do/ what can i say to kinda join the group and be more friendly with one person in particular in that group.

1 comment
  1. Okay we’re in the same age… So i faced this situation one time i think … Okay so you don’t need the whole group you just need this certain one and i think it’s a girl … So you don’t even need to know the whole group… So you have way of two

    First to join the group and the trick is … Just try to know what they are talking about or what they are interesting in and try to read about it learn it … Anyway i think my idea reached you… Then try to (( ASK )) questions about these things you learned (( which they’re interested in )) so 100% you’ll find answers and you can talk to them easily… But please don’t ask your questions to this certain one you want to talk with … Trust me it didn’t work 😆

    Second you can just follow this certain one … Know info about them … Find social accounts… Eye contact… Alot of ways to do it

    In my pov i love the ways that depends on little creativity 🤣 like the first way … Sooo i recommend using the first method

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