A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a fueled argument about me being damn near stranded in another state.. long story short he knew I was on the phone. I was outside on the phone venting to my siblings. First he texted my sibling to tell me if I have something to say tell him. (I never responded as (I WASNT TALKING TO HIM)
Next, I FOUND OUT HE WAS LISTENING IN IN MY CALL FROM ANOTHER HAND HELD DEVICE (FULL INVASION OF PRIVACY) his defense is if he hears his name he has a right to listen.
My answer is if I wasn’t speaking to you then the conversation is off limits.
I’m open to comments different views. My question is am I wrong?

  1. I can see why he’d be upset that you are airing your dirty laundry to your family. I believe that most marital issues should be resolved between the individuals who are married. When you tell someone else their opinion of the matter is already skewed because they are hearing your version of it, as well as having a bias because you are family. It’s extremely wrong to be listening in on your phone call though. So you are both wrong in this situation and I’d guess have an extremely toxic relationship.

  2. Do you mean he bugged your vehicle? He’d be listening to all conversation then, right? Not just ones with his name in it..

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