Hi, really don’t know where I stand, how to proceed and if I should even proceed.

Went on a dinner date with an amazing girl who I really enjoyed my time with. The conversation felt effortless and we were bouncing back and forth for hours. After dinner and dessert we decided to go watch a movie at a drive in(didn’t make a move). As I dropped her off, it was around 3 am then, she asked if I wanted to come in and meet her pets and then asked if I wanted to smoke(the downfall, I should have never smoked, I trip out and act stupid). We kept talking for a bit and decided to lean in for a kiss. She promptly stopped me and told me that she wanted to take things slow and I responded with of course, I apologized and told her no worries and she decided to call it a night. Texted her when I got back and she thanked me for everything.

Would I even text her back at this point? Wait for her? Or just let it go? I’m actually genuinely interested in her.

Thank you for any input or help, I appreciate it in advance!!

  1. Follow up, I’m not even kidding lol, two minutes after i posted this, she sent me a snap?! Still not sure lol

  2. Dude, you went for a kiss and she politely said she wants to take it slow, and she’s still talking to you. She’s interested, just not sexually atm

  3. She sounds interested. And not everyone kisses on a first date. Especially after smoking. Eww breath lol

  4. This was overall a good date. Stop making a big deal about her putting the brakes on. She’s allowed to say no to a kiss but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like you. Why would you wait for her? She doesn’t want to make the next move. Why would you even consider walking away? You like her. Ask her out again. You make up for the ill-timed kiss by taking her out again and having a fun time again with no pressure for anything physical and next time it feels right for a kiss you ask if it’s okay first.

  5. Bro going in for the kiss was a good move, even if she turned away. If she goes out with you again, go for the kiss again. The fact she’s still talking is a good sign

  6. She just established a boundary. Just give her a good morning text. If she responds, things are ok.

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