whats your favorite way to make some money on the side?

  1. Used to be buying Magic: The Gathering collections and selling off the commons/uncommons folks didn’t realize could add up to good money. But now more and more people are aware of it.

    Now I’m hoping to publish a book and make some money off that.

  2. I grew up on a farm and was a welder before going and getting my engineering degree so after work I design and build farm implements for people.

  3. Donating plasma twice a week. Gets me an extra $600 per month…1.5 hrs each time and I just sit on my phone. Easy money.

  4. Making paintings I enjoy, then listing them on Etsy so I don’t get attached to them. Not a huge earner, but nice to have £20-30 trickle in every now and then.

  5. If we are talking legally

    Sell stuff I don’t need, doing requests from friends and other people that want me to sketch them something for extra money, you name it, anime, chibi, 90s style anime, hentai(all kinds except one type which you weebs might know what it is), manage to make like 300 every month even till this day

    Edit:going to garage sales and see some items of value and sell them for a higher price of what I have paid

    Illegally (maybe but I have stopped doing it now that I’m financially stable and don’t work there anymore)

    When giving people their change during rush or no rush, if they have 70 cents or more of change, leave 10 cents or 25 aside and keeping it, customers don’t pay much attention to change when it’s busy as fuck, managed to do like 30 dollars per week for 5 shifts because that I was always put charging orders everytime

  6. I used to work at a poultry plant where there was a good majority of Guatemalan workers. I got a photo of an okay looking escort and started showing them a photo of her, telling them she was my friend who for a donation will spend time with them. I would text her to meet and take the guy and charge him 85 I would keep 25 and the women would get 60. I made around 500$ in a couple months I had to stop because my girlfriend at the time found out and got mad at me because she said those poor men are going to catch something(I argued that I wasn’t forcing anyone to do it they were doing it on their free will) but yeah I had to stop.

  7. My absolute favorite thing to do is play drums in a band. The saying “Get paid doing what you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life” is absolutely true. It’s not my main source of income, but I still can’t believe it when I get handed $400 after a three hour gig.

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