I (30F) am stressing out and unable to sleep because my mother is on her way to where I currently live. I was due with my baby September 18 and told my mother that when the baby arrives I will let her know when it is appropriate to visit, that I might need up to 60 days to feel comfortable enough in a routine for her to visit, etc. (this is due to how much her being around involves chaos and stress). Instead of giving me space, she booked a hotel with my dad and they are coming to stay for the week of September 25.

This means she arrives today.

For context, I almost kicked her out of my wedding because she was so horrible the day of and especially in my dressing room. She made me incredibly hurt, disappointed, and anxious during my baby shower and has done other numerous selfish things.

I really don’t want the birth of my child and my first weeks with my newborn to be ruined by her. I am really afraid of having a child and am stressed out over the unpredictability that it will bring. I don’t want to deal with her, nor her dogs who pee all over my house. I would love to be strong and keep boundaries with her such as not inviting her over if I can’t or don’t want to handle it. Yet, even knowing she is on her way to town is giving me major anxiety and I don’t want to keep her nor my father away from meeting their grandchild. I just wish she would leave the chaos behind and I wish she would have respected my request for space during this time. I would also like it if she didn’t bring her dogs over due to how much of a mess they make and how I have to clean it up when they do. (I think I will request that they greet us outside first because the dogs pee when we first see them out of excitement. Maybe they can also wear a diaper or I can pull up all my rugs…)

She is also awful to my dad who is a great person. It is hard to be around them and see how poorly she treats him and then says he is the “abusive” one.

Yes, I’ve talked to her and have tried to tell her that she causes grief. This doesn’t work. She deflects and cries likes a child, throws a fit, tries to make everything only my fault, and then gets my dad to call and scold me. I take a mature approach to confronting her but she has never handled it back with maturity or tries to make changes. I don’t believe it is worth confronting again.


TLDR: How do I deal with my mother (who is a major stressor) coming to town uninvited when I told her I needed a lot of time and space during the birth of my first child?

  1. “I will not be available for visits. Please do not waste your money on the hotel room, since you will not be seeing more or the baby at that time. I will tell you when I am free.”

    Repeat as necessary.

    No debate. No discussion. Do not be baited.

    Don’t tell her about your feelings or your concerns. Do not be vulnerable with her. Do not bring up the past. Do not make lies or excuses. She doesn’t care about your feelings or thoughts. Just repeat “I will not be available to see you in September. If you come in September, you will not see me or the baby.”

    Then shut down and end conversations if she escalates or insults. “I understand you’re upset about this, but **the baby and I will not be available to see you in September**. I will tell you when I am ready for your visit. If you come before then, I will not be seeing you.”

  2. She can travel to where you live if she wants to, but you’re under no obligation to actually invite her in, or see her…

  3. You are an adult. You never have to open your door to her. Let her waste an entire trip while you are safe with your newborn.

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