TLDR: I recently quit the most toxic boss I’ve ever had. After filing a formal complaint and bringing his behavior to HRs attention, nothing was really done and I decided to leave that employer. On my last day I called him the worst supervisor I’ve ever had, a fucking scumbag and walked out.

I worked in a small in-house Art Department for a Packaging Manufacturer in CA. The job itself wasn’t very hard, the pay was decent, but something was off from my very first day. I noticed the other guy in the department and the supervisor weren’t very friendly to one another. Every day was kind of like a roulette wheel, if he was having a bad day, we would have a bad day. Seemingly small things would set this guy off. He’d forget telling us certain things, then get angry at us for not following “procedure” even though it seemed to change based on his moods.

To keep it somewhat short, over time I came to learn no designer had ever lasted more than a few years under his supervision. Our department was rather isolated and the personality I saw manifest within him was very different from the public face he would put on. In my opinion he was either bi-polar or a sociopath. I filed a formal complaint to HR but nothing was done, I really wanted to be removed from his department or placed somewhere else. Nothing came of the complaint, so I decided to leave.

I started to have really hostile thoughts toward him, I would’ve done something I probably regretted if I stayed. On my last day I went around and talked to production staff, numerous people vocalized being unable to work with the guy. I suggested they also file formal complaints. It’s been a fairly shitty past 4 years, I looked him straight in the eyes told him he was the worst supervisor I’d ever had and called him a fucking scumbag.

How have some of you dealt with bad/tyrannical bosses? In my opinion the best thing I could’ve done was to leave, most every other employee of his just left, never filed a complaint. I stayed long enough to see mine through, I managed to get the company to pay more attention to the department. God help the next person.

  1. My friend has that boss with some complex lol. She just lives on stereotypes. He once asked her to stop pressuring him and she said “You sould handle it as a man”. He still works there because it’s fucking hard to find job today. And he basically gives her zero fuck.

  2. In high school I had a friend who was abused by his parents. His dad was one of my bosses at my after school job. A few weeks after I quit that job I went in to grab some food and friends day grabbed me really hard by the arm and told me I’m coming into work tonight or else. I’m 16 at this time got 6 inches and 40 or so pounds. I looked him dead in the eye and said or else what, you will beat me like you do to sons name. If you put a hand on me or him again ill beat you I to bloody stump, if I find you at night they will never find your body I already dug the hole. I turned around paid for my food and walked out.

  3. Thinking of getting a divorce. My wife is more tyrannical than any boss.

  4. I wouldn’t say he was a tyrant, but he let a lot of things slide that shouldn’t’ve, namely a sense of seniority and elitism among the management staff that I was a part of. I get being the new guy on management, but what I had to deal with was beyond reasonable. Left after 7 months on the job, gave them a professional FU via an immediate resignation.

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