I have this girl friend I’m quite close with, let’s call her T. I think we’re all 23, and we’re starting our master’s degree in college this year.

T has a friend (let’s call her X) that I have literally only interacted with 2 times. Once 2 years ago for a group task during like 30 minutes for a class and once about a year ago at a party (but I learnt that she had a boyfriend at the time). Both times we talked only very briefly.

We don’t have each other on socials as we really do not know each other. Well, two weeks ago T was showing me and another girl friend her friends, and I mentioned that I found X cute.

Then, this Saturday I was at a sort of concert with my friends, and T and X were partying as well nearby for one of their friends’ birthday. When our concert was over we joined T and X.

I start talking to T, and wish happy birthday to the birthday girl and we all joined dancing. But then X introduces herself to me only, we talk about what we’re doing (very close due to loud music) since she’s doing a different master’s from T and myself. When they were leaving she said “we’ll see each other on campus” kind of excitedly.

So I wonder if this could be because T told X that I found her cute? Or maybe I’m just overthinking it, I was class rep during the first 2 years of bachelors and sometimes random students were friendly to me as if they knew me, but I’m no longer class rep so idk.

A girl friend suggested I shoot her a message since I have her name and can probably easily find her but idk if it’s too forward to do that based on just a “let’s see each other on campus”

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