What is your response when men say you can get sex whenever you want just by being a woman?

  1. Ignoring them and moving on, generally. That’s a level of myopic and self-centered stupidity that isn’t really worth my time or effort to discuss with them. In my experience, those kinds of men are grossly misogynist, bitter, and lack any understanding or empathy about women’s lives and experiences.

  2. IRL? Probably report them to HR or avoid them in the future because I can’t imagine a scenario where this is being said to me in a situation I am comfortable with.

    Here on reddit? Tag them as an incel or block them.

    Edit: curious why downvoted? Is someone offended I would go to HR over a coworker trying to start an inappropriate, unwanted conversation about sex and gender? If so, please reevaluate what you are willing to accept in the workplace. You deserve better.

  3. I can also get food as often as I want so long as I’m OK with eating out of a dumpster. Just because I can doesn’t mean I should or that it’s going to be worth it

  4. Laugh at them.
    Usually most men aren’t into bigger women, so no, not that easy.

    And tbh, men claiming that are usually misogynist pieces of crap, so not worthy of any response.

  5. They can too. All the men who can’t get sex could just fuck each other. Maybe that’ll make their last two brain cells spark and they realize that actually wanting to have sex with a person you could have sex with matters.

  6. I think it’s more about being a poly femme lesbian than it is being a woman. Then I dramatically walk away.

  7. Start having sex with a random person right there in front of them and maintain eye contact to assert my dominance.

  8. I’m ugly and I don’t feel sexual attraction, nor will I ever go out of my way for sex. I’m sure prettier girls can get sex more if they go out after it, but I’ve never had this issue.

  9. First off, I’m a lesbian

    Second off, it’s not cause I’m a woman, it’s cause I’m hot as fuck and treat other women with respect and never touch anyone else without their express consent so no one feels unsafe around me cause I’m not a creep

  10. I can but I don’t want to. Men project their obsession with sex unto women. Sex isn’t something that’s hard to obtain. It has zero value in itself. Women look for relationships and connections.

  11. No response, cause I’m not about to enter any sort of conversation with someone who would say shit like that.

  12. I usually ignore them cause why would I waste a minute talking to an ignorant person in the first place lol

  13. Really? I thought men had more options. Enough prostitutes to go around and massage parlors where they can get off.

    Also i think it’s stupid , do they expect me to have sex with just any guy? I have my standards and i don’t care for one night stands. If i have sex i want it to be with someone i am in love with not just a horndog that needs to empty his nutsack

  14. Any man who thinks this is a misinformed misogynist who has forgotten about the existence of women who aren’t conventionally attractive, mentally and physically healthy, and financially and geographically able to date.

    This perspective also ignores the fact that pretty much anyone could find sex if they were willing to completely eliminate their standards about wanting to be 1) attracted to the person they’re having sex with and 2) safe.

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