I’ve been seeing this guy for about a month now. He pursued me first and we were seeing each other almost every day it was like fireworks. He told me he wanted to be exclusive and I agreed bc I wasn’t talking to anyone else anyway. I went no contact with him for a day once because he made some stupid comment. Apparently that really hurt him. I thought we resolved it but recently he has tried a lot less to initiate things as in call text or seeing me. He came over the other night and everything felt normal but I sense somethings changed on his end.

I’m giving him space because I don’t see the need for an emotional conversation or trying to “hash out” what he’s feeling.

Do you usually need space to “bounce back” if things are moving fast? Even if it’s a girl you really like?

  1. Those first few breaks in NRE can be tough to get by. It’s a compatibility test in ways.

  2. No, he needs communication and to hear from you that you are sorry you haven’t responded like normal.

    Your lack of intimacy with him is a big threat to the relationship. If you like him you should want to know what is going on in his head and try to help him process it, or at least listen.

    Also, if you are going to punish him that way for making a stupid comment, you are not going to last long as a couple. You need to be able to forgive and forget trivial things, and move on. After all, the next stupid comment may come from you.

    “I don’t see the need for an emotional conversation or trying to “hash out” what he’s feeling.” This says you don’t care about what he is feeling and that you don’t have a problem. This says you don’t really care about him. If that is the case, stop leading him on.

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