This is an sticky situation tbh and I would want to hear your opinions. I’ve been dating this person (Both 28, F and M) for a few months by now, the thing is I overheard a converstion in which He says He is thinking about making a “deal” with someone to marry for a visa (Not sure if that’s how you call it).

Thing is, I just heard it by accident not sth that has been brought up to me yet. How should you react to this situation? I feel lost (BTW this is not USA).

TLDR: Bf is thinking about marrying for a visa, should I break up?

  1. I would report it to immigration. My spouse is from Argentina and these marriage frauds are a slap in the face to people like us.

  2. >should I break up?

    Why do you think you shouldn’t? Like, what kind of justification would be needed to convince you that staying with someone entering a sham marriage to defraud your country’s immigration services is a *good idea*? I’m sure there might be some, but I’m almost certain that your boyfriend’s case probably doesn’t fall into that extremely narrow range.

  3. I think you should figure out why it bothers you that he’s looking into doing that. Does it bother you that he didn’t choose you, are you worried about the logistics of dating a technically married person, are you upset he didn’t tell you?

    Immigration is hard, and he may be looking at doing the process with somebody that he has no feelings towards in order to avoid losing his visa if the relationship falls through.

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