in Australia, we have students (2 boys 2 girls) as school captains. they get voted in by the other students, take on responsibility & host the assembly’s.
wondering, do you guys have school captains? do you call them something else or not have them at all?

  1. We have a student council, not strictly segregated by gender and they generally have a president, vice president, secretary and maybe a few other roles.

  2. we have team captains in sports. in regular school tho, we mimic our government system. so we have a president, vice president, secretary, etc

  3. We had a 4-person student council. In my school when I was a senior, they were all girls. There was no requirement to have both boys and girls, it was just voted out of whoever decided to run.

  4. Student council. Usually 4 or 5 elected positions – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. Each class has their own student council whom they vote for every year and have different responsibilities such as planning prom, fund raising, and yeah even hosting assemblies and pep rallies.

  5. The equivalent in US Schools would be the Class President (and sometimes also a Class Vice President, or Student Council seats)

    They aren’t segregated by gender, anyone can run for the position.

    The exact scale of their responsibilities varies from school to school, but it’s mostly a ceremonial or symbolic position, but hosting assemblies would be well within the scope of it.

  6. As others have said, depending on the school there might be a student council or class president/vice president, etc, that are elected by the student body (not by teachers or school administrators). To the best of my knowledge they’re just resume padding for college applications – they might have some duties (I’m not aware – I went to US schools but ignored all the social and proto-political stuff) but they don’t have any authority – they’re not really leaders or part of any official disciplinary structure.

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