It could be a near-death experience, or something random, like voices guiding you that could be seen as magical or mystical.

  1. One day I was visiting my parents… I woke up and went into the garage to have my morning coffee and cigarette. I was in that garage alone for half an hour. I came back out and sat on a couch where I could see the only door to that garage. Nobody went in or out. Then my mom and dad came out of the garage after like 10 minutes. I freaked like “wait a minute, how long were you in there?” They said they’d been in there for an hour. But said bullshit, I came out of there like 10 minutes ago and I was in there alone. They said no way, we were in there for the last hour and you never came in. We never did figure out how that happened.

  2. When I lost my virginity, I honestly couldn’t believe it was happening when she started making out and I couldn’t believe it when the deed was done

  3. Went to a daytime festival on LSD. So many friendly people, who were either as high as me our generally amazing people.

    Fireworks on LSD is like being a kid and seeing them for the first time.

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