I (30M) have a deepthroat fetish and my partner (24F) has done a lot of practice to support this fetish. We’ve hit a bit of a road block though as I’m too stiff. My penis arches upwards making it near impossible to go down if she’s on her knees in front of me. We can change positions and make it work to a certain degree but with how hard I get it’s still makes things difficult. All searches on google just gets me articles on erectile dysfunction, I’ve change the wording many ways but still get pages of ED articles.

Is anyone aware of a method to have a softer erection? Certain foods? Exercises?

Side question, have any tips on how to not gag during deepthroat?
Thanks in advance!

  1. Have you tried lying her on her back and hang her head off the bed? Make the throat as straight as possible

  2. you can try putting on a cock-ring before you reach maximum stiffness

    as for gagging, the best thing is to practice relaxing through the gag and accepting that its just a reflex and it in itself is not gonna hurt. have her move herself and stay still when she feels about to gag and try to relax

    you can also have her practice breathing around you while youre not all the way in so she can identify exactly how deep you are and hold her breath at the right times so she doesnt choke/gag on you as much (also, trying not to swallow around your cock will help her avoid gagging until shes more de-sensitized)

  3. For a temporary “softness” use alcohol…
    You’ll need to find the right amount by experimentation though…

    Caffeine might also “help”, but you might not be able to get enough to cause this effect and not endanger yourself..

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