And did you bottle-feed, breastfeed, or pump?

  1. It took me 5 months. I breastfed and used the pump. My period was never regular again after I had him though. He’s 16 months now and still breastfeeding so maybe after he weans it’ll go back to normal.

  2. I exclusively breastfed for about six months, then breastfed and introduced solids. I got mine back at 9 months.

  3. I primarily breastfed and pumped, but also did use formula. Maybe like a 70-20-10 split. I got my period back about a month to a month and a half after giving birth.

  4. My toddler was exclusively breastfed on demand, nights included as we bedshare. Period came back about 8 months pp.

    His baby sister was conceived when he turned 1, she’s now almost 3 months and we’re doing the same feeding “schedule” with her and he’s also still nursing 1-2 times daily.

    It will be interesting to see when it comes back this time around as we’d like to conceive again when this baby turns 1 too.

  5. About 9 months after birth, stopped breastfeeding after 6 months in order to get my cycle back by 9 months as recommended by my gynaecologist. His estimate of a 3 month reset period after breastfeeding was spot on.

  6. With my first kid, it was 11 months post partum. I BFed and pumped at work. I got my period exactly 2 weeks after I stopped pumping at work.

    With my 2nd kid, I WFH and BFed on demand. I got it back at 14 months post partum.

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