Hello, I am a [24F] and my I have a girlfriend [21F] of 3 and a half years.

Lately I have been noticing that she is really weird about hanging out with my other female friends (or any friends in general). She is really jealous of them (no matter if they are males or females) and I am a bit concerned.
Since the beginning of out relationship she has been having a problem with people I am meeting up with no matter if they are my friends, co-workers or just anyone in particular.

1 month ago I got a new job offer and I started being friends with a new company (around 10 people, but I’m being friends especially with 3 of them (2 females and 1 male) and just now I’m finding out she has a big of a problem with it. She asked me to stop meeting them so often and interacting less with them while I’m working.
She’s always been jealous of my old friends males, females, nonbinary etcetera and just now I’m concerned.

She is accusing me of cheating on her if I had a chance even though I wouldn’t ever do that and doesn’t trust me at all when it comes to explaining things and doesn’t listen.
She told me to not hang out with them at all and reduce my comunication at the work place because it makes her overthink and question our relationship.
Some time ago she was saying the same thing about my old coworkers because we worked in the same group and the woman was interested in me (she said that although I dont think she was) so i stopped talking to her.
Currently I have only 1 friend that she is also kind of jealous of and I don’t know if it can keep going this way. I’m bored of just talking to my girlfriend 24/7 and i need new connections and people in my life like she does for example but I’m not “allowed” to have that because if I do she blames me for her overthinking and I obviously agreed with not talking to them as much and keeping my distance.

Was it the right decision? What are ur thoughts on this?

P.S. We already talked about it millions of times but no thing has changed, she keeps being jealous and insecure and the only way to solve the problem was stopping my connection with my co-workers.

TL;DR: I wanna make friends at my new workplace but my girlfriend overthinks that and doesn’t want me to do that.

  1. Sounds possessive and unhealthy. She is isolating you from everyone else, some jealousy here and there is only natural. With the accusations though it seems as though she may be in fact hiding something of her own and may be prohecting on you. Distance yourself and break it off cleanly. That’s my thoughts, but if you want to work it out see if there is a relationship counselor you can find and meet.

  2. Sounds like she’s manipulating and gaslighting you. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your connections for the sake of the relationship. Run

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